- Sputnik International, 1920, 25.02.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
On February 24, 2022 Russia launched a special military operation in Ukraine, aiming to liberate the Donbass region where the people's republics of Donetsk and Lugansk had been living under regular attacks from Kiev's forces.
A Russian serviceman guards the area of Mariupol, Donetsk People's Republic. - Sputnik International

UPDATES: New Proof Pentagon Involved in Bioweapons Components' Development in Ukraine - Russian MoD

Being updated
Russia's special military operation in Ukraine has entered its 28th day. The operation is aimed at protecting the civilian population of the breakaway Donbass republics of Donetsk and Lugansk and also at "demilitarising and denazifying" Ukraine.
As the Russian forces continue their special operation in Ukraine, targeting neo-Nazi battalions and ensuring the work of the humanitarian corridors, Ukrainian nationalists are trying to prevent thousands from leaving embattled cities.
According to DPR Head Denis Pushilin, some 150,000 civilians are believed to live in areas controlled by nationalists in Mariupol, the second largest city in the Donetsk region. On Tuesday, the head of the Russian National Defence Control Centre, Mikhail Mizintsev, said that over 68,000 people had been evacuated from Mariupol, without the participation of the Kiev authorities. He added that the humanitarian situation in the city was "catastrophic".
As of Wednesday, the Russian emergencies ministry has delivered about 18 tonnes of humanitarian supplies, including food and baby formula, to a mobile settlement in the DPR.
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08:02 GMT 24.03.2022
Australia Not Ruling Out Expulsion of Russian Diplomats - Foreign Minister
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - While Australia understands the importance of diplomatic contacts with Russia, it does not rule out the expulsion of Russian diplomats in the wake of Moscow's military operation in Ukraine, Australian Foreign Minister Marise Payne said on Thursday.
"The option of expelling diplomats is something is available to government, but at the same time it is potentially useful to have direct lines of communication with, in this case, the Russian government, but that does not mean the government has excluded the option," Payne said in an interview with ABC Radio.
The minister observed that other countries have asked Russian diplomatic staff to leave, but "not in every case their ambassador," adding that Australia's government is working with partners to "determine the best approach in these circumstances."
Payne also said she is "not going to speculate on Australia's approach".
07:32 GMT 24.03.2022
Russian Forces Take Full Control of Izyum City in Kharkov Region - MoD
The Russian armed forces have destroyed 60 Ukrainian military facilities over the past day, including two command posts, two multiple launch rocket systems, four ammunition depots, 47 areas of accumulation of weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian armed forces, the MoD said.
The Russian military has also destroyed two drones.
07:25 GMT 24.03.2022
New Evidence Proves Pentagon's Direct Involvement in Development of Bioweapons Components in Ukraine, Russian MoD Says
New facts of the involvement of the US Department of Defense in the development of biological weapons components in Ukraine have been revealed, spokesman for the Russian Defence Ministry Igor Konashenkov told reporters on Thursday.
The Russian Ministry of Defence continues to study documents received from employees of Ukrainian biological laboratories about the secret military biological activities of the United States in Ukraine.
He also said that in the near future the Russian Ministry of Defence would present original documents demonstrating that the biological project "UP2" was developed and approved in the Pentagon.
The Russian Defence Ministry stressed that the Pentagon's project in Ukraine was aimed at obtaining new strains of anthrax.
06:53 GMT 24.03.2022
WATCH: Russian Military Has Defused Over 12,000 Explosive Objects in the Kherson Region - MoD
06:52 GMT 24.03.2022
VIDEO: Russian Su-34 Bombers Destroy Ukrainian Military Equipment and Arms Warehouses
06:14 GMT 24.03.2022
LNG tanker Al Hamra of Iran (File) - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.03.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Finland Hopeful New LNG Terminal Will Help Wean Country Off Russian Gas Imports
06:14 GMT 24.03.2022
The MTB LAW anti-tank missile system - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.03.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Sweden to Send More Arms to Ukraine Amid Russia's Special Op
06:07 GMT 24.03.2022
Over 402,000 Donbass Refugees Have Already Arrived in Russia, Emergency Services Say
06:07 GMT 24.03.2022
Peru May Deliver Goods to Russia Via Pacific Ocean, Ambassador Says
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Vladivostok, Russia's major Pacific port city bordering with China and North Korea, may be an alternative route for goods transportation from Peru, the Latin American country's ambassador in Moscow, Juan del Campo, told Sputnik.
"What is happening now is a completely new scenario. Trade continues, it has not stopped, we continue to work with Russia. There are commitments, agreements, everything continues. I can only assume that there will be route adjustments. Peruvian products are usually delivered via Amsterdam. But what do Peru and Russia have in common geographically? It is the Pacific Ocean. It is a longer distance and higher prices. But it is a direct shipping lane. It is very easy for Peru, for example, to get to Chinese ports or to Russia via Vladivostok," the ambassador said.
In early March, two of the world's largest shipping companies, Mediterranean Shipping Company (MSC) and Maersk Line, said they would temporarily halt cargo bookings to and from Russia in light of the Western countries' sanctions. German logistics giant DHL also decided to suspend some services to Russia and Belarus.
06:03 GMT 24.03.2022
Ukrainian Military Fires 15 Grad Rockets and Five 120mm Mortars at Donetsk, DPR Says
05:10 GMT 24.03.2022
Residential Buildung in Volnovakha Left in Ruins After Ukrainian Military Opens Fire British Grenade Launchers
04:43 GMT 24.03.2022
Russia's Belgorod Region Governor Says Blasts Occurred Overnight in Village of Zhuravlyovka Bordering Ukraine
VORONEZH (Sputnik) - Several explosions occurred overnight in the village of Zhuravlyovka, Russia's Belgorod Region, located near the Ukrainian border, Governor Vyacheslav Gladkov said on Telegram.
"It was not a quiet night in Zhuravlyovka. According to the operational headquarters, there were several blasts. I hope that the investigating authorities will quickly establish the cause. No one was wounded or injured among the civilian population. Information on the number of destroyed or damaged residential and non-residential buildings will come out a little later," Gladkov wrote
On Wednesday, he said that shelling from the direction of Ukraine resulted in a projectile exploding in Zhuravlyovka, several people were injured.
04:26 GMT 24.03.2022
Washington Post Claims Russian Military Leaders Rejecting US Attempts for Dialogue
WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The Washington Post, citing Pentagon spokesman John Kirby, claimed that the Russian military leadership has for the past month "refused contacts" with its US counterparts despite Washington's "repeated attempts" to initiate them.
This left Russia and the United States in the dark about explanations for military movements and raised fears of a major miscalculation or battlefield accident, the newspaper claimed.
Pentagon spokesman John Kirby said Moscow has "so far declined to engage" when US Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Gen. Mark A. Milley, the chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff, tried to organize phone calls with Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and General Staff Chief, Army Gen. Valery Gerasimov.
The newspaper quoted Kirby as saying the Pentagon believes the US-Russia defense leaders' engagement is “critically important at this time.”
A Pentagon spokesperson said he could not confirm the information to Sputnik at the moment.
02:33 GMT 24.03.2022
Local residents pass by the destroyed tank of the Ukrainian armed forces in the city of Volnovakha that came under control of the Donetsk People's Republic, in Donetsk People's Republic. - Sputnik International, 1920, 24.03.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Sputnik Finds Documents on UK Training Ukrainian Soldiers for Fighting in Donbass
23:02 GMT 23.03.2022
UK to Supply to Ukraine 6,000 Missiles, $33 Mln for Military Needs - Government
The UK will supply to Ukraine 6,000 missiles and will allocate 25 million pounds ($33 million) for Kiev's military needs, the UK Prime Minister's Office said in a statement.

"The Prime Minister Boris Johnson will announce a major new package of support for Ukraine today [Thursday] at the NATO and G7 leaders’ meetings... The measures announced today include 6,000 missiles, consisting of anti-tank and high explosive weapons, and £25 million in financial backing for the Ukrainian military," the statement said.

"This more than doubles the defensive lethal aid provided to date to more than 10,000 missiles, and comes on top of the £400 million the UK has committed in humanitarian and economic aid for the crisis. The Prime Minister will set out the UK’s intention to work with partners to bolster Ukraine’s defence capabilities, including longer-range targeting and intelligence, as the Ukrainian people face down an unprovoked invasion," it said.
22:26 GMT 23.03.2022
China's UN Envoy: 'Regrettable' Security Council Failed to Agree on Ukraine Resolution
The failure of the UN Security Council to agree on a Russian-drafted resolution regarding the humanitarianism situation in Ukraine is regrettable, Chinese envoy Zhang Jun said during remarks at the General Assembly.

"It is regrettable that the council was unable to reach the broadest of possible agreements in the end," the envoy said on Wednesday.
21:22 GMT 23.03.2022
UNSC Fails to Adopt Russia's Humanitarian Resolution Calling for Negotiated Ceasefire in Ukraine
The UN Security Council did not adopt the humanitarian resolution drafted by Russia calling for a negotiated ceasefire in Ukraine, a Sputnik correspondent reported from the scene.

Russia and China voted in favor of the resolution while 13 other members of the UN Security Council, including the United States, United Kingdom and France - abstained from voting on Russia's draft resolution, and no countries voted against it.

The resolution condemns all violations of international humanitarian law and human rights, including the Geneva Conventions. It also demands respect and protection for all medical and humanitarian personnel exclusively engaged in medical and related duties in Ukraine.
20:13 GMT 23.03.2022
Renault Decides to Suspend All Operations in Russia - Reports
French car maker Renault has decided to suspend all operations in Russia, Reuters reported on Wednesday.

According to Reuters, Renault said that activities at its manufacturing plant in Moscow are already suspended.
19:08 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian Media Watchdog Restricts Access to News.Google Over Fakes About Russia's Special Op in Ukraine
18:32 GMT 23.03.2022
Four Health Workers Killed in Sumy as Nationalists Fire at Ambulance From Anti-Tank Grenade Launcher, Russian MoD Says
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A Ukrainian nationalist unit attacked an ambulance in Sumy, the head of the Russian National Defense Control Center, Mikhail Mizintsev, said on Wednesday, adding that four health workers died in the incident.
"On March 22, 2022, militants of nationalist battalions in Sumy fired an anti-tank grenade launcher for no reason at an ambulance that was on its way to provide urgent assistance to wounded civilians. As a result of criminal actions of terrorists, four heallth workers died on the spot,” Mizintsev told a brieifng.
Mizintsev also stressed that Kiev has yet again refused to coordinate humanitarian corridors with Russia.
Meanwhile, in Chernigov, Sumy and Zaporozhye, the commanders of the nationalist battalions are looting residential buildings, public and private organizations, and valuables are taken out towards the western borders in captured ambulances, said Mizintsev.
Numerous eyewitness accounts speak of terror unleashed by official Kiev against its own citizens, Mizintsev stated. He revealed that Ukrainian radicals in Kharkov gunned down residents in the courtyard of the house who tried to leave the basement to search for water and food.
"The blatant case of mass extermination of civilians committed by Ukrainian radicals in Kharkov is striking in its cruelty. Driven to extreme exhaustion by inhuman conditions of existence, Kharkovites attempted to leave the basement in search of water and food. For this alleged 'liberty' they were shot by nationalist fanatics right in the courtyard of his house," the general said.
The general also stated that over the past 24 hours almost 18,000 people have been evacuated from Ukraine and Donbass to Russia. Russia has also evacuated 26 Jordanians and Vietnamese from Mariupol as part of its humanitarian mission.
He added that despite the daily opening of humanitarian corridors, Ukrainian neo-Nazis continue to hold over 4.5 million civilians hostage as a "human shield" in Kiev, Kharkov, Chernigov, Sumy and more than two dozen other large settlements.
18:29 GMT 23.03.2022
Mariupol Mayor Reportedly Leaves City
18:22 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian Mission in Vienna Informs IAEA That 4 Rosatom Employees Are Held Hostage by Ukrainian Side at Rovno Nuclear Power Plant
MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The Representative Mission of Russia in Vienna informed the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) on Wednesday that four employees of Russian State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom are being held hostage at the Rovno Nuclear Power Plant by the Ukrainian side.
"On February 23, a batch of fresh nuclear fuel was delivered to the Rovno NPP in accordance with the delivery schedule and contractual obligations... The cargo was accompanied by relevant specialists, citizens of Russia, employees of a subsidiary of the state corporation Rosatom, the central branch of JSC Atomspetstrans," the mission said in a statement.
According to the mission, the Russian specialists are forcibly held in the railway car in which the cargo was delivered.
18:21 GMT 23.03.2022
US Monitoring Russia-Ukraine Peace Talks, Not Playing Active Role - White House
"We are in very consistent communication with our Ukrainian friends, and President Biden speaks to President Zelensky on this issue … We’re actively engaged in monitoring the ongoing diplomacy, but the United States is not directly at the table or directly playing any kind of mediating or brokering role," White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said during a Wendesday press gaggle aboard Air Force One.
18:19 GMT 23.03.2022
US Embassy in Moscow - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.03.2022
Moscow: US Embassy Handed Note With List of Diplomats Being Ousted From Russia in Tit-for-Tat Move
18:11 GMT 23.03.2022
Blinken Claims US Government Assesses Russian Forces 'Committed War Crimes' in Ukraine
17:49 GMT 23.03.2022
NATO Leaders to Discuss Support for Ukraine on Bloc's Eastern Flank, White House National Security Adviser Says
According to Jake Sullivan, NATO leaders will discuss a host of topics, including how to "make sure" Ukraine can continue to defend itself, a "long-term military footprint" on NATO's eastern flank, and collective security assistance for Ukraine.
Reducing Europe's dependence on Russian gas supplies has been a subject of "intense" discussions, too, Sullivan said, adding that the US will have more to say on Friday about European energy issues.
At the same time, the White House national security adviser hinted that the US will look for ways to increase LNG supplies to Europe in the coming weeks.
Sullivan also said that Washington would announce a new package of sanctions against Russian "political figures, oligarchs" on Thursday.
17:47 GMT 23.03.2022
Trudeau Insists Western States Must Continue Sending Lethal Weapons to Ukraine to Counter Russia
"We must all continue to send military equipment and lethal aid to help Ukrainians in their heroic defense, not just of their lands, but of all of the principles that defend ours. And we must continue to impose unprecedented sanctions on Putin and his enablers in Russia and Belarus, increasing the pressure as much as we can," Canadian PM Justin Trudeau said in his address to the European Parliament on Wednesday.
Trudeau called on the European countries to collectively step up to provide humanitarian aid to Ukraine, which includes future plans to rebuild the Eastern European country.
17:45 GMT 23.03.2022
French Pharma Company Sanofi Halts Exports of All Non-Essential Drugs and Vaccines to Russia and Belarus
17:45 GMT 23.03.2022
Germany, European Partners to Discuss Moscow’s Decision on Gas Payments - Berlin
BERLIN (Sputnik) - The German government and European partners will discuss Moscow’s decision to request gas payments in rubles, Economy Minister Robert Habeck said on Wednesday.
"The federal government will discuss this with European partners," Habeck said, as quoted by the dpa agency, claiming that this move shows that "Russia is not a stable partner."
Earlier in the day, Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered the government to instruct Gazprom to change existing gas contracts into rubles.
17:41 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian Space Agency Roscosmos to Switch to Ruble-Denominated Contracts With Other Countries, Rogozin Says
16:04 GMT 23.03.2022
Austrian OMV to Continue Paying for Russian Gas in Euros
The Austrian oil giant OMV will continue paying for Russian gas in Euros, OMV CEO Alfred Stern said on Wednesday.

"Sure. We don't have any other contractual base, I wouldn't be able to do anything like that," Stern told the PULS24 broadcaster when asked if the company will continue paying for gas in rubles.
15:59 GMT 23.03.2022
Stoltenberg: NATO Urges China to Condemn Russian Operation in Ukraine
NATO is calling on China to denounce Russia's special military operation in Ukraine and refrain from providing material support to Moscow, NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg said on Wednesday.

"We call on China to condemn the invasion and to engage in diplomatic efforts to find a peaceful way to end this war as soon as possible and not to provide material support [to Russia]," Stoltenberg said in a press conference ahead of the NATO Summit on Ukraine.
15:45 GMT 23.03.2022
Kremlin: Putin, Israeli Prime Minister Discuss Situation in Ukraine
Russian President Vladimir Putin and Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett discussed the situation in Ukraine during a phone conversation on Wednesday, the Kremlin said.

"Russian President Vladimir Putin had a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett. Naftali Bennett shared his assessments of the situation around Ukraine, taking into account his contacts with the leaders of a number of foreign states, and expressed some ideas regarding the ongoing negotiation process between Russian and Ukrainian representatives," the Kremlin said.

Putin also offered condolences to Bennett "in connection with yesterday's terrorist attack in Israel."
15:41 GMT 23.03.2022
Europeans Trying to Disregard Issue of Biological Laboratories in Ukraine - Head of Russian Delegation in Vienna
European politicians are making attempts to disregard the issue of biological laboratories in Ukraine, Konstantin Gavrilov, the head of the Russian delegation at the military security and arms control talks in Vienna, said on Wednesday.

"They are trying to silence this topic in every possible way. They interrupt us, they don't let us talk, they say it's a fake, and there is no place on the forum for spreading such disinformation. That is, I did not notice any desire to discuss anything among Europeans or anyone," the diplomat told the Rossiya 24 broadcaster.
15:23 GMT 23.03.2022
Nebenzia: Adoption of West’s UNGA Ukraine Resolution Would Hurdle Peace, Embolden Kiev
The adoption of West’s draft UNGA resolution on Ukraine would hurdle peace efforts and embolden Kiev’s negotiators, Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said on Wednesday.

"Let me be clear that this scenario will make a resolution to the situation in Ukraine more difficult because it will more likely embolden Ukrainian negotiators and nudge them into maintaining the current unrealistic position, which is not related to the situation on the ground, nor to the need to tackle the root causes [of the conflict]," Nebenzia said during an emergency session of the UN General Assembly.
15:22 GMT 23.03.2022
Zelensky Will Reportedly Address European Leaders During EU Summit on Thursday - Source
15:17 GMT 23.03.2022
DPR: 285 More People, Including 70 Children, Evacuated From Mariupol
15:00 GMT 23.03.2022
Russia Launched Ukraine Op Only After Exhausting All Means to Resolve Conflict Peacefully - UN Envoy Nebenzia
Russia began its military operation in Ukraine only after exhausting all attempts to resolve the conflict peacefully, Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia said on Wednesday.
"We took this extremely difficult step [to start a special military operation in Ukraine] after having exhausted all peaceful and diplomatic means of resolving the conflict in Donbass. Only after Kiev unambiguously and on many occasions reaffirmed that it did not intend to fulfill the Minsk agreements as approved by the Security Council resolutions," Nebenzia said during an emergency session of the UN General Assembly on Ukraine.
14:50 GMT 23.03.2022
Von der Leyen: EU Aiming at Having Commitment From US for Additional LNG Supplies for Next Two Winters
14:19 GMT 23.03.2022
WATCH Fighting Between DPR Forces and Ukrainian Nationalists Near Mariupol
13:41 GMT 23.03.2022
Kremlin: Putin, Scholz Discuss Situation in Ukraine, Moscow-Kiev Negotiations
13:39 GMT 23.03.2022
Biden Says 'Real Threat' That Russia Might Use Chemical Weapons in Ukraine
US President Joe Biden said on Wednesday there is a "real threat" that Russia might use chemical weapons in Ukraine.

"I think it's a real threat," Biden said before departing for Europe, when asked whether he is concerned with the threat of chemical warfare at the moment.

A senior Pentagon official told reporters on Tuesday that the United States sees no indication that there is an imminent risk of Russia using chemical or biological weapons in Ukraine. Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov at the same day criticized Washington's claims that Russia might use chemical and biological weapons. The diplomat noted that the US has not yet destroyed its own stockpiles of chemical weapons, and accused the latter of artificially delaying the process.

He stressed that Russia's entire arsenal of chemical weapons was completely destroyed under the strictest international control back in 2017.
13:38 GMT 23.03.2022
Stoltenberg: NATO Not Considering Itself Part of Conflict, Not Planning to Send Troops to Ukraine
12:33 GMT 23.03.2022
It Makes no Sense to Supply Russian Goods to EU and Receive Payments in Their Currency, Putin Says
12:32 GMT 23.03.2022
Putin Instructs Gazprom to Transfer Contracts Into Rubles
Russian President Vladimir Putin on Wednesday ordered the Russian government to instruct Gazprom to change existing gas contracts into rubles.

"The changes will affect only the currency of payment, which will be changed to Russian rubles. I ask the government to give the relevant order to Gazprom on amending existing contracts," Putin told a government meeting.

The Russian president also instructed the Central Bank and the government to determine the procedure for transactions with Europe in rubles within a week.
12:27 GMT 23.03.2022
Putin: By Freezing Russian Reserves the West Showed It Is Defaulting on Obligations Before Moscow
US dollars and Euros - cash banknotes - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.03.2022
Putin Orders Ruble Payments for Energy, Says West’s Freeze on Russian Reserves Undermined Currencies
12:13 GMT 23.03.2022
Poland Made No Decision to Sever Diplomatic Relations With Russia
Poland did not make a decision to sever diplomatic relations with Russia, Polish foreign ministry spokesman Lukasz Jasina said.

Earlier in the day, Warsaw ordered 45 Russian diplomats out of the country over alleged espionage. Moscow pledged to respond to the move, while Russian Ambassador to Warsaw Sergey Andreyev slammed the decision as unfounded. At the same time, he said that Russia and Poland will formally continue to maintain diplomatic relations.

"There are no such decisions. There have not been [such decisions] so far," Jasina told reporters.
11:41 GMT 23.03.2022
Kremlin: US Exercises Overt Pressure on All Countries to Oppose Russia
The United States is exerting undisguised pressure on all countries in its anti-Russia campaign, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.

“The fact that, in terms of comprehensive opposition to our country, the United States is already exerting overt and mostly undiplomatic pressure on all countries is well known to everyone. As for the G20, it is still a multilateral format, there are different points of view,” Peskov told reporters.

Polish Foreign Minister Zbigniew Rau said last week that Poland can replace Russia in the G20. Commenting on the possibility of excluding Russia from the G20, Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said that it is pointless to remark on hypothetical statements.

Peskov added that despite the US pressure, some states prefer to stick to their “independent and sovereign position.”
10:57 GMT 23.03.2022
Kremlin: Russian Military to Provide Information on Losses in Ukraine When Sees Fit
The Russian Defence Ministry will update the information on the losses of military personnel during a special operation in Ukraine when “deems it necessary”, Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said on Wednesday.

"Indeed, information was provided once by the Ministry of Defence, but, as we have already said, this prerogative belongs entirely to them, that is, to our military. When they deem it necessary, they will provide additional information," Peskov told reporters.
10:49 GMT 23.03.2022
EU Reportedly Approves Agreement With Ukraine to Allow Bloc to Provide Classified Info, Including Satellite Images, to Kiev
10:23 GMT 23.03.2022
Is US Considering More Financial Sanctions Against Russia?
US Secretary of the Treasury Janet Yellen speaks about the success of the American Rescue Plan Act on the one year anniversary of the law during her visit to Mi Casa Resource Center in Denver, Colorado on March 11, 2022. - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.03.2022
US Treasury Secretary to Discuss Freezing Russian Gold Reserves With Senators, Report Says
09:53 GMT 23.03.2022
Vilnius: Baltic States and Poland Call on EU to Ban Transportation of Goods To and From Russia and Belarus by Road
The Baltic states and Poland have called on the EU to ban the transportation of goods to and from Russia and Belarus by road, as well as limit the entry of their ships into EU ports, the Lithuanian transport ministry said on Wednesday.

"The Minister of Transport and Communications Marius Skuodis, together with the Ministers of Poland, Latvia and Estonia, addressed the European Commission (EC) Transport Commissioner Adina Valean and EU Transport Ministers with a joint letter calling for a ban on the carriage of goods by road to/from Russia and Belarus and restricted entry of these countries’ vessels to the EU ports," the ministry said in a statement.
09:49 GMT 23.03.2022
WATCH Russian Forces Hit Ukrainian S-300 Launcher
08:54 GMT 23.03.2022
A man walks in front of a tower of the Kremlin and the Russian Foreign Ministry building in central Moscow on September 10, 2020. - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.03.2022
Moscow Vows Response to Poland's Decision to Expel 45 Russian Diplomats
08:54 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov  - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.03.2022
Lavrov: The Current Russophobia in the West is a Verdict on Western Civilisation
08:28 GMT 23.03.2022
WATCH Russia's 'Bastion' Missile System Hitting Ukraine's Military Infrastructure
08:22 GMT 23.03.2022
WATCH Russian Helicopters Destroy Ukrainian Arms Depot
Russian Kamov Ka-52 Alligator reconnaissance and attack helicopter  - Sputnik International, 1920, 23.03.2022
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
Ka-52 Uses Guided Missiles to Take Out Ukrainian Arms Depot From Altitude of Over 7km - Video
08:21 GMT 23.03.2022
DPR Battalion Commander Speaks About Ukrainian Soldiers Attempting to Escape From Mariupol
08:18 GMT 23.03.2022
Warsaw to Expel About 40 Russian Diplomats, Accusing Them of Spying, Report Says
Poland is expelling about 40 Russian diplomats, accusing them of espionage, the Polish Onet news portal reported on Wednesday, citing government sources.

According to the website of the Russian Embassy in Warsaw, it employs just over 50 diplomats.
08:16 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian 'Night Hunters' Helicopters Destroy 8 Ukrainian Tanks, 5 Armoured Vehicles, 7 Mortars
08:14 GMT 23.03.2022
DPR Forces Destroy Three Ukrainian Tanks, Take Control of a Railway Station, Russian MoD Says
08:00 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian MoD: 97 Ukrainian Military Facilities Destroyed Over the Past Day
The Russian armed forces have destroyed 97 military facilities of Ukraine, including two Tochka-U missile systems, over the past day, Russian defence ministry spokesman Igor Konashenkov said on Wednesday.

"Over the [past] day, operational-tactical and army aviation, as well as missile forces, hit 97 military facilities of Ukraine. Among them, there are two launchers and a transport-loading vehicle of the Tochka-U tactical missile system in an industrial area on the northern outskirts of Kiev," Konashenkov told reporters.

The Russian armed forces also destroyed eight anti-aircraft missile systems, including six Buk-M1s, one S-300 and one combat vehicle of the Osa air defence system, 10 command posts, eight field artillery guns, three artillery reconnaissance stations manufactured by NATO countries.

Over the given period, a Ukrainian Su-24 front-line bomber, as well as 16 drones, including three Bayraktars, were downed by the Russian military.

"On the evening of March 22, high-precision long-range sea-based weapons attacked an arsenal in the settlement of Orzhiv, 14 kilometers northwest of the city of Rivne," Konashenkov said, noting that a large arsenal with weapons and military equipment of the Ukrainian troops, including those received from Western countries, was destroyed.

In total, since the beginning of the special military operation, the Russian army destroyed 184 aircraft and helicopters, 246 unmanned aerial vehicles, 189 anti-aircraft missile systems, 1,558 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 156 multiple launch rocket systems, 624 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 1,354 units of special military vehicles, the spokesman added.
07:59 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian Armed Forces Destroy Large Warehouse With Arms and Equipment in Rivne Using High-Precision Sea-Based Weapons
07:56 GMT 23.03.2022
Donetsk: Ukrainian Army Loses 76 Troops, 28 Firing Points and Vehicles in Fighting With DPR Forces in Past 24 Hours
07:53 GMT 23.03.2022
Russian Emergencies Ministry Delivers Almost 18 Tonnes of Humanitarian Cargo to DPR
The Russian emergencies ministry said on Wednesday that close to 18 tonnes of humanitarian supplies were delivered by convoys as essential life support to mobile settlement in the Donetsk People's Republic (DPR).

"The emergencies ministry convoys delivered almost 18 tonnes of humanitarian supplies, which included all the essentials – food, baby food, as well as basic necessities," the department press office said in a statement.

Everything needed for a comfortable stay is organized on the tent town's territory: warm modules, bedding, the ability to charge mobile phones as well as hot meals, according to the ministry.

"The humanitarian aid delivery will be carried out by Russian rescuers on a permanent basis. The mobile town of 30 tents, designed for 450 people, works around the clock," the statement read.

Earlier in the month, the mobile town and the necessary equipment were delivered by rescuers of the Don rescue center of the ministry to the Bezimenne village in Donetsk region.
07:50 GMT 23.03.2022
DPR: About 20 Soldiers From Ukraine's Brigades 54 and 36 Surrendered in Past 24 Hours
07:28 GMT 23.03.2022
Ukrainian Forces Fire 67 'Uragan' Shells and 122mm Mortars at LPR Territories
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