- Sputnik International, 1920
Political Misfits
Political Misfits bring you news, politics and culture from the belly of Washington DC without the red and blue treatment. Informed by progressive politics, class analysis and anti-war activism, we break down the day's pressing economic, social and political stories from perspectives often ignored.

Hunter Biden Guilty, US Maternal Mortality, UN Adopts Gaza Ceasefire Resolution

Hunter Biden Guilty, US Maternal Mortality, UN Adopts Gaza Ceasefire Resolution
MSNBC tries to spin Hunter Biden’s guilty verdict as an example of US rule of law, ignoring the counterexample offered by Leonard Peltier.
International affairs and security analyst Mark Sleboda joins Misfits hosts Michelle Witte and John Kiriakou to discuss the United Nations Security Council adopting a US-backed ceasefire plan in Gaza, why Russia abstained from the vote, why the US and Israel can’t agree as to whether Israel has signed on to the deal, the US deciding to provide weapons to Ukraine’s Azov Battalion, how Kiev might choose to use the F-16 jets coming their way later this year and the consequences that could follow, the ongoing crack down on corruption in Russia’s defense sector, and how the US government is handling Russian ships arriving for exercises in the Caribbean.
Board-certified pediatrician and obesity medicine specialist Dr. Yolandra Hancock discusses the ongoing catastrophe of maternal mortality in the US, where rates are double and sometimes triple that of other wealthy nations. She discusses why maternal mortality rates are so high for black and native women, why the United States has so few midwives and OB-GYNs, and how economic and social changes could help reduce the number of these preventable deaths.
Political analyst and former deputy press secretary at the Department of Homeland Security Brian Doyle discusses the three guilty verdicts delivered to Hunter Biden this morning; an outbreak of finger pointing among major media outlets eager to identify failures in their rivals, but not in their own newsrooms; the dismal state of Joe Biden's approval ratings as Nate Silver recommends he drop out of the presidential race, and predictions regarding Trump’s running mate and possible abortion policies.
The Misfits also discuss MSNBC’s grotesque characterization of Joe Biden as the “living embodiment of the rule of law,” new polling that reveals the depth of American discontent and distance from government policy, and Chiquita Banana being held liable for financing a paramilitary group during the Colombian civil war.
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