- Sputnik International, 1920
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What Is Remarkable About Russia's New Su-57 Fighter Jet?

The Russian Armed Forces have adopted an updated Su-57 fighter jet with second-to-none technical capabilities. It has been developed by Russia’s Sukhoi aircraft manufacturing giant.
The 5th-generation multi-role strike aircraft is designed to destroy all types of air, land and surface targets. The jet is capable of flying at supersonic cruising speed, and has impressive in-fuselage armament, radio-absorbing coating and complex on-board equipment.
The Su-57 has combat capacities that allow it to synchronize with ground-based radars, giving it an enormous advantage over the US-made F-16. The jet can carry guided air-to-surface missiles and guided aerial bombs, as well as short, medium and long-range air-to-air missiles.
The aircraft can be used around the clock, including in challenging weather conditions and against robust jamming environments by counteracting enemy air defense systems, both under external control and autonomously.
Explore Sputnik’s infographic to learn more about the Russian fighter!
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