- Sputnik International, 1920
The Critical Hour
The mainstream news outlets play it safe by parroting the perspectives of their corporate benefactors. The Critical Hour uses clear, cutting edge insight and analysis to examine national and international issues impacting the global village in which we live.

Dems Back Biden; Stoltenberg Says NATO Enlargement Was Tough Decision; US Imperialism Out of Africa

Dems Back Biden; Stoltenberg Says NATO Enlargement Was Tough Decision; US Imperialism Out of Africa
NATO Chief Jen Stoltenberg admits that there was a concern about provoking Moscow as the military bloc contemplated expanding Eastward.
Caleb Maupin, journalist and political analyst, joins us to discuss the US political crisis surrounding Joe Biden’s cognitive decline.
Mark Sleboda, an international relations and security analyst, joins us to discuss NATO Chief Jen Stoltenberg’s admission that there was a concern about provoking Moscow as the military bloc contemplated expanding eastward.
Dr. Margaret Flowers, activist and editor of Popular Resistance.org, joins us to discuss US corporate imperialism in South America and African rejection of US imperialism.
Craig Jardula, co-host of the Convo Couch and host of the new show Pasta2go, joins us to discuss voter disenfranchisement in the Democratic party and the government's attack on free speech.
Robert Fantina, author, journalist, and activist, joins us to discuss the potential for a peace deal in Gaza and the prospects for resuming nuclear talks between the US and Iran.
Dan Kovalik, lawyer, professor and author, joins us to discuss the ideological nature of the Supreme Court and race-based scholarships in Universities.
Netfa Freeman, Host of Voices With Vision on WPFW 89.3 FM, Pan-Africanist and internationalist organizer, joins us to discuss Africa’s rejection of US imperialism.
Dr. David Oualaalou (WAH-LAH-LU), international geopolitical consultant, veteran, author, and host of the "Geopolitics in Conflict" show on YT, joins us to discuss politics in Nicaragua and Cuba’s fight against US terrorism.
The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the position of Sputnik.
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