
John Bolton: Washington Hopes EU to Reimpose Anti-Tehran Sanctions

National Security Adviser John Bolton expressed hope that the European Union would return the anti-Iran sanctions after the United States did the same.

"Iran has demonstrated in so many ways it could not care less about the restrictions in this deal. What it wants are economic advantages that [US ex-President Barack] Obama and [US Ex-Foreign Secretary John] Kerry gave to them. So of course they will trying to keep those [advantages], but we'll see I think their real performance is gonna put them in the position, where our European friends are gonna come along and put sanctions back," Bolton said Tuesday as broadcast by Fox News.

The US official added that the JCPOA had not stopped the Iranian program aimed at creation of own nuclear weapons.

US Lawmakers Warn of Potential Conflict With Iran After Exit From Nuclear Deal
Trump has repeatedly criticized the Iran nuclear agreement as one of the worst deals in history. The foreign ministers of Germany, the United Kingdom and France have issued a joint statement stating their countries will stay in the JCPOA even if the United States pulled out.

On Tuesday, US President Donald Trump announced the decision to withdraw from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), which requires Tehran to maintain a peaceful nuclear program in exchange for sanctions relief and was signed in 2015 by the United States, Russia, China, France, the United Kingdom, Germany and the European Union with Iran.
