
Afghan Security Forces Clashing With Taliban in Ghazni Province - Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Taliban militants are advancing on the Afghan government forces in Ajristan district of Ghazni province in the southeast of Afghanistan, TOLO News reported on Sunday.

The local governor and police chief are blocked in the northern part of the district and surrounded by the Taliban, TOLO News outlet reported, citing security sources.

On Saturday, the district governor asked for reinforcements, stressing that without them the Taliban radical movement would take control of the district. The telecommunications in the district are not working, and the road to the area where the fighting is underway has been closed off by the Taliban.

WATCH: Circling US Drones Bombard Taliban Column Near Farah, Afghanistan
Earlier this week, the Taliban launched an attack on the city of Farah in Farah province, western Afghanistan. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo promised Afghan President Ashraf Ghani that the United States would support the country's forces in their battle for the control over Farah.

The row of Taliban advances in the country followed the announcement of annual "spring offensive" at the end of April. Since then the movement committed over 2700 attacks across Afghanistan, refusing to cooperate with the government, which controls less than a half of the country's territory.


