
Assange Reportedly Gives Away Embassy Cat to Spare Him of 'Unbearable' Isolation

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange has been living in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London for over 6 years, two of which he spent with a gorgeous ‘whisker-blower’.

Julian Assange gave away his beloved cat so that it would no longer be trapped with him in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, Italian newspaper La Repubblicareported on Tuesday.

READ MORE: Assange's Lawyer Refutes Reports of Alleged Whistleblower-Manafort Meetings

Assange’s legal team member Hanna Jonasson tweeted that the Ecuadorian government threatened to put the cat in a pound, therefore the WikiLeaks founder asked his lawyers to take the kitty to a safer place – to his family.

‘With its funny striped tie and ambushes on the ornaments of the Christmas tree at the embassy’s entrance, the cat had helped defuse tensions inside the building for years. But Assange has preferred to spare the cat an isolation which has become unbearable and allow it a healthier life’, La Repubblica wrote.

Assange used to share pics of the adorable cat, known as ‘Embassy Cat’, on Instagram:

Last month, media speculated that Ecuador had introduced a new set of restrictions on Assange, warning him against online comments on political issues and ordering to clean his bathroom and take care of his cat, or risk losing it.

First Court Effort to Force Release of Alleged Assange Indictment Begins
La Repubblica’s journalists, who managed to gain access to the embassy and visit Assange despite the fact that Ecuador had cut him off all contacts in March, wrote that the whistle-blower was spending all of his time preparing for his criminal defence against secret charges allegedly filed in the US.

It’s been six long years that Julian Assange has been holed up at the Ecuadorian Embassy in London, initially to avoid prosecution by Swedish authorities in a sex assault case.

The case against him was dropped, but he still risks arrest by UK police for breaching previous bail condition and the possibility of extradition to the United States, where he might be charged for leaking damning documents on US military operations.

READ MORE: US Federal Government Refuses to Confirm Criminal Case Against Assange

Most recently, a US judge postponed ruling on a legal request to unseal alleged criminal charges against Assange, while the federal government refused to either confirm or deny their existence.
