
Deputy Revolutionary Guard Chief Says Iran Will Not Hold Talks With US - Reports

On Wednesday, US President Donald Trump signed an executive order imposing sanctions on Iran, targeting iron, steel, aluminium, and copper exports.

A deputy head of Iran's Revolutionary Guards said that Tehran will not hold talks with the United States, Tasnim news agency reports.

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"No talks will be held with the Americans and the Americans will not dare take military action against us," Yadollah Javani, the Guards' deputy head for political affairs, was quoted by Tasnim. "Our nation… sees America as unreliable."

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Earlier, the US imposed fresh sanctions on Iran, relating to iron, steel, aluminium, and copper. US President Donald Trump stressed that Washington was putting "other nations on notice" not to import Iranian metals.

Prior to that, Iranian President Hassan Rouhani sent a letter to Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signatory states, notifying them that Tehran would give the parties of the accord 60 days to return to the negotiating table and ensure that Iran's interests are protected under the agreement.

READ MORE: Iran to Suspend Some of Its Nuclear Deal Commitments — Rouhani

On 8 May 2018, Trump announced his decision to leave the 2015 Iran nuclear deal and reinstate wide-ranging sanctions on Tehran, including secondary sanctions against companies and financial institutions of countries that do business with the Islamic Republic.

Tensions between Iran and the United States escalated over the past year after Washington withdrew from the JCPOA and reinstated sanctions against Tehran.
