
Maduro Proposes Early Elections For Opposition-led National Assembly - Report

The country's opposition, headed by self-proclaimed interim president Juan Guaido, won a majority in the National Assembly in the 2015 vote. The next congressional elections are currently scheduled for late 2020.

Legitimate president of Venezuela Nicolas Maduro proposed on Monday early elections for the National Assembly, Reuters reported.

Meanwhile, Carlos Vecchio, Guaido's envoy to the US, has reportedly held meetings with Pentagon and US State Department officials following Guaido's "request" of support from US military forces in the ongoing political and humanitarian crisis inside the South American country.

READ MORE: Venezuelan Opposition Envoy Meets DoD, State Dept Officials in DC

Pompeo Demands 'Justice' For Guaido's Detained Deputy on Behalf of Venezuelans
Earlier in April Guaido made an attempt to depose Maduro, staging a demonstration in front of La Carlota military base in Caracas. However, the attempt has "failed completely," as the Venezuelan government has put it.

Following the failed coup attempt, Guaido's National Assembly deputy, Edgar Zambrano, was jailed for treason, conspiracy and civil rebellion. Another — Americo de Grazia — reportedly took refuge in the Italian embassy in Caracas, while a third — Luis Florido — fled Venezuela for neighbouring Colombia.

Venezuela has been embroiled in a political standoff, which escalated after opposition leader Juan Guaido declared himself the country's interim president in late January, in a move immediately supported by the US and its allies. Maduro accused Guaido of being a "puppet", while blasting Washington for orchestrating a coup in the Latin American country.

READ MORE: Caracas to Strip Lawmakers Partaking in Coup Attempt of Immunity — Parliament

The US Treasury has imposed several rounds of sanctions on Venezuelan state companies since January. The total damages from US sanctions against Venezuela have already reportedly exceeded $100 billion dollars.   

Russia, China, Cuba, Bolivia, Turkey and a number of other countries have voiced their support for Maduro as the only legitimate president of Venezuela.
