
Brazil Radio Journo Forced to Resign Over Comments About Environmental Activist Greta Thunberg

Speaking on air at Brazil’s 96FM, the journalist called the young activist “hysterical,” “unloved” and asserted that she needs “a man and sex.”

Brazilian radio station 96FM Radio de Natal (RN) fired journalist Gustavo Negreiros who criticized the environmental activist Greta Thunberg, 16, according to a report by The Forum.

According to the report, the station began losing sponsors who cut financial ties to RN due to massive pressure from social media users after a video in which Negreiros made his remarks about Thunberg became viral.

“The journalist was removed immediately. He came to the station today to apologize on air,” Giovanna Sinedino, a 96FM staffer, said on social media.

The Swedish activist became famous after standing for three weeks in front of the Swedish Parliament holding a sign that read “School strike for the climate.” 

On Monday, she delivered a speech to the United Nations, lambasting world leaders for what she described as their lack of action on mitigating climate change.

According to The Guardian, Thunberg was previously diagnosed with mental health issues, including Asperger’s syndrome, characterized by restricted and repetitive patterns of behavior and interests, and difficulties in social interaction; and selective mutism which did not prevent her from delivering a strikingly aggressive 5-minute speech in front of a UN audience.
