Breaking news, as well as the most pressing issues of political, economic and social life. Opinion and analysis. Programs produced and made by journalists from Sputnik studios.

Is Pompeo Trying to Convince Zelensky?

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Garland Nixon and Lee Stranahan weigh the possible scenarios regarding the Ukrainian plane that exploded. Pompeo spoke to Zelensky this morning to ensure him the US is investigating the cause of the crash.


Bob Schlehuber - Producer for By Any Means Necessary on Radio Sputnik | Taiwan Elections

Vanessa Beeley - International Investigative Journalist | Anticipating Deception on the Ukrainian Plane Crash

Michael Krieger - Founder of and a former Wall Street analyst | War with Iran

Tom Luongo - Geopolitical Analyst & Publisher of the Gold Goats 'n Guns Newsletter | What's Iraq's Response?

Whitney Webb - Staff Writer at Mint Press News | The Tech Firm Running Doomsday Simulations for 2020

Taiwan's presidential election will take place tomorrow. The incumbent Tsai Ing-wen is expected to win but her opponent, Han Kuo-yu, is China-friendly. Sputnik correspondent Bob Schlehuber reports live from Taiwan to explain why this election is important internationally.

Canada's Justin Trudeau and Britain's Boris Johnson have both put forth the theory that Iran accidentally shot down the Ukrainian plane that crashed a few days ago. Iran has completely dismissed this claim. Vanessa Beeley, an international investigative journalist, comes on the show to prepare us for the deception that we should expect. Founder of Liberty Blitz Krieg Michael Krieger gives listeners a great analysis of the war with Iran.  Geopolitical analyst Tom Luongo discusses the situation from the standpoint of the Iraqis.

The CEO of Cybereason said he is continuing his military service through the company by protecting critical infrastructure in regards to an Iranian cyber-response to US military actions.  The tech firm is running doomsday simulations as well.  Staff writer at Mint Press News Whitney Webb explains all of the details.

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