By Any Means Necessary

Ukrainian Flight Downed by Iran, But Blood is on Trump's Hands

Tsai Ing-wen secures re-election in Taiwan; Iranian government admits responsibility in downed plane; Juan Guaido continues to circle the drain

On this episode of "By Any Means Necessary" hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Sputnik News Analyst Bob Schlehuber to discuss the results of the recent elections in Taiwan with Tsai Ing-wen securing the re-election, what this will mean for Taiwan's relationship with the mainland Chinese government and accusations of interference coming from both sides.

In the second segment, Jacquie and Sean are joined by Kevin Zeese, the co-coordinator of Popular Resistance, to discuss the Iranian government taking responsibility for accidentally downing a Ukranian flight in Tehran, the US' history of unapologetic attacks on Iran and the importance of political education in the anti-war movement as the American grow weary of never-ending war.

In a special third segment of "By Any Means Necessary" Jacquie and Sean are joined by Leonardo Flores, Latin American policy expert, and campaigner with CODEPINK to discuss Juan Guadio's waning popularity among the Venezuelan opposition, how Guaido lost his post as the President of Venezuela's National Assembly and how the already-divided opposition in the country has been further split since the most recent coup attempt have failed.

Later in the show, Jacquie and Sean are joined by Eleanor Goldfield, a creative activist, journalist, and host of Act Out! Pm Free Speech TV.  Elanor is also the co-host of the podcast common censored with Lee Camp, to discuss Sen. Cory Booker dropping out of the 2020 presidential race, the upcoming Democratic debate, Donald Trump saying "it doesn’t really matter" if assassinated Iranian General Qassem Solemani actually posed an imminent threat to US interests and the racism, paternalism, and arrogance inherent in US imperialism. Check out Elanor's work at

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