
Donald Trump Officially Withdraws the US From WHO, Senator Bob Menendez Announces

In March, Trump said that the US would cut all ties with the World Health Organisation (WHO), citing what he described as the international health watchdog's poor handling of the coronavirus pandemic and its alleged agreement with China to mislead the world about the spread of the virus.

US President Trump has officially withdrawn his country from the World Health Organisation, Senator Bob Menendez said on Twitter. He also criticised Trump's response to the coronavirus outbreak, saying that it would not help Americans. 

According to a congressional resolution upon joining the body in 1948, the United States can exit the WHO on a one-year notice provided that its financial obligations are met in full for the organization's current fiscal year.

In March, Trump announced that he wanted the US to quit the WHO. This came weeks after the organisation had declared the coronavirus outbreak a pandemic. The US President claimed that the WHO had been under pressure from Beijing to 'mislead the world' after the virus was first registered in the Chinese city of Wuhan in December 2019. 
