The Backstory

The Ghislaine Maxwell Trial Begins and GoFundMe Deletes Fundraiser for Darrell Brooks

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events including Jack Dorsey stepping down as Twitter CEO, and jury selections in the Ghislaine Maxwell trial have concluded.
Daniel Lazare - Independent Journalist, Author, and Writer | Kamala Harris Criticism, COVID-19, and White Backlash
Wyatt Reed - Digital Media Producer with Sputnik | Xiomara Castro, Cartel Violence, and Honduras Immigration
In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Daniel Lazare about global capitalism, the second amendment, and the Kyle Rittenhouse trial. Daniel talked about the political left and how everything has become racialized to the Democrats. Daniel gave his analysis on the second amendment and how it affects American culture.
In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Wyatt Reed about his coverage of the Honduran elections, US influence in Central America, and NGOs. Wyatt talked about the voting interference from the National Party movement and the media in Honduras. Wyatt discussed the high unemployment in Honduras and the out-of-control violence in the country.
We also discuss the situation around Darrell Brooks and the fundraiser for him on the GoFundMe platform.
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