"We will continue to take steps that are resolute but also calm to uphold peace and stability in the face of Beijing's ongoing efforts to undermine the status quo," Price said during a press briefing. "These steps across a range of areas will unfold over the coming weeks and months because we recognize that this challenge is a long term."
Price said the United States expects China to continue alleged military intimidation and coercive economic tactics against Taiwan in the coming weeks. Price added that China has maintained a heightened military air and maritime posture around Taiwan despite the end of exercises.
Moreover, Price said any US moves to counter China's activity around Taiwan will be consistent with the One China policy, the Taiwan Relations Act, and other measures.
The visit of US House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to Taiwan in early August triggered a new round of tensions in the Taiwan Strait and in the region. On August 4, Beijing launched large-scale military exercises in the vicinity of the island, which included live-fire drills and military aircraft overflights close to Taiwan's airspace.
On Tuesday, China staged military exercises in five areas of the South China Sea off the coast of the southeastern Guangdong province. Several zones of the Yellow Sea are also involved in the ongoing drills on August 17-19.