
Russian Export Center Supported 291 Companies in Bashkiria in 2022

The Russian Export Center (REC), part of, supported 291 companies in the Republic of Bashkortostan in 2022. During the year, companies received over 1,600 services, with the volume of exports supported in this way amounting to over $278 million, Renat Manyapov, head of the REC's representative office in Ufa, said.
According to him, in 2022. exporters were searching for new markets and reorienting themselves to markets of friendly countries. Companies started actively participating in exhibitions and business missions to promote their products there, as well as joining international consultations and regular webinars on logistics held by the Russian Export Center.
The My Export platform's digital services have become even more in demand, including partner search, compensation, and analytics services.
"In 2022, the usual sales channels stopped working and companies had to adapt their commodity flows to the new challenges. They faced having to reconsider priority markets, build distribution in new countries and look for alternative logistics corridors. The REC provided comprehensive support to our exporters, including promptly transforming support tools," Manyapov said.

"In 2022, the Republic of Bashkortostan organized eight business missions to foreign countries: the UAE, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Belarus, Armenia and Turkey. A total of 77 companies took part in these missions. Over 20 contracts worth almost $4.5 million were signed. 65 enterprises also took part in 14 exhibitions and fairs in Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, and Belarus," Margarita Bolycheva, minister of foreign economic relations and congress activity of Bashkiria, said

"In 2022, with the assistance of the Russian Export Center, we launched the series of pilot industry acceleration programs 'Export Fast Track,'" she added.
REC Head: SME-Exporters in Russia Grew by 15% in 2022
"Some 60 companies from the oil and gas, agribusiness and timber industries participated in them. The 'Emergency Export Assistance' project is also being implemented. It was included in the list of best practices and recommended for replication in Russian regions. Some 230 companies have been advised within its framework. 28 of them concluded 65 export contracts and expanded their supply geography. The volume of supported exports exceeded $6 million," the minister said.