
Christians Wait for 'Holy Fire' at Church of Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem

The Church of the Holy Sepulchre is the most sacred place for Christians around the globe. The "Holy Fire" ritual which is taking place there on the eve of Orthodox Easter symbolizes the undying light of Christianity.
Sputnik brings you a live broadcast from Jerusalem, where Orthodox Christians are waiting for the “Holy Fire” ritual at Church of the Holy Sepulchre – which, according to tradition, was built on the spot where Jesus Christ was crucified by Roman soldiers. During this ritual, candles are said to light themselves in a miraculous way. Considered to be blessed, this fire is subsequently transported to other countries where Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate Easter.
Earlier in the day, Israeli authorities limited access to the shrine, citing security concerns. Less than 2,000 believers will be admitted to the church and roughly 200 police officers will be ensuring security there.
The tightened security measures have been introduced due to heightened tensions between Israelis and Palestinians. Also, the dates of Orthodox Easter, Ramadan and Passover coincide this year, which may pose additional security risks at the scene.
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