
'Gonna Start Posting on Twitter Again?' Elon Musk Hints at Reassigning Dormant NPR Account

Musk, who recently divulged the now-famous "Twitter Files", a series of releases of the social media giant's select corporate documents that unmasked collusion between Big Tech and the 'Deep State' to silence dissenting voices, continues his crusade for free speech in the US.
Elon Musk, tech entrepreneur and billionaire, in a letter to a National Public Radio reporter, asked whether the publicly-funded broadcaster was going to resume posting on Twitter or should the NPR handle be transferred to “another company.”.
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"So is NPR going to start posting on Twitter again, or should we reassign @NPR to another company," Musk said, according to the media outlet in question. He added that it is Twitter policy "to recycle handles that are definitively dormant" and since that rule applies to everyone, NPR will not receive any "special treatment".
The broadcaster stopped posting on Twitter last month after the social media platform was labelled as a media outlet funded by the US government.
Musk and Twitter identify such media as "outlets where the state exercises control over editorial content through financial resources, direct or indirect political pressures, and/or control over production and distribution." In other words, a radio station that simply promotes the ruling regime's agenda even without direct funding will be branded as such.
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NPR is notorious for its close affiliation with the current White House occupants. Namely, the outlet did it best to silence the Hunter Biden laptop story, which shed light on the repulsive details of the life of the acting US President and his family.