Beyond Politics

British PM Sunak's Guilty Pleasure Revealed to Public

UK Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has admitted to being an avid reader of Jilly Cooper, the renowned English author known for her steamy novels centered around romance and infidelity among horse riders and show jumpers.
During an interview on the popular daytime TV show "This Morning," Sunak confirmed his fondness for Cooper's books, as previously hinted at in an article published earlier this month.
Blushing slightly, Sunak acknowledged the accuracy of the reports, expressing uncertainty about how this information had come to light. When asked to name his favorite among Cooper's numerous titles, the prime minister struggled to choose just one, listing several books including "Riders," "Rivals," "Polo," "The Man Who Made Husbands Jealous," and "Appassionata."
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The story of "Riders," an international bestseller by Cooper, revolves around the personal lives of a group of show-jumping stars, and includes a passage in which character Rupert Campbell-Black engages in an affair with Amanda Hamilton, the fictional wife of the foreign secretary in the storyline.
Despite the explicit content, Sunak defended his love for Cooper's books, stating that they provide a necessary form of mental relief.
"They are good," said Sunak. "You need to have escapism in your life."
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The prime minister's admission adds an unexpected dimension to his public persona, revealing a more private side to his reading preferences.