
Danish Parliament to Consider Civil Proposal to Legalize Euthanasia - Reports

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - A civil petition to legalize euthanasia in Denmark has been signed by more than 50,000 people, surpassing the minimum number of signatures required for parliament to start consideration of the proposal, Danish media reported on Monday.
The Danish Medical Association (DADL) opposes the initiative, saying that the government should increase investment in palliative care, the report said.
"There are many reasons for this: we do not think that suffering should be managed by killing people; we are afraid of the slippery slope we see in countries where euthanasia has been brought in; and we think one should invest in proper end-of-life palliative care," Klaus Klausen, chairman of the association's ethics committee, was quoted as saying by the media outlet.
The proposal was put forward by a health worker who met patients who wanted to be allowed to die. It will be considered for the first time by the parliament. In 2018, the initiative received 8,386 signatures, and in 2019 - 1,409 signatures.
So far in Europe, euthanasia is allowed in Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.