
Robert Kennedy Calls For Peace With Russia, China as Part of His Presidential Campaign

NEW YORK (Sputnik) - Democratic candidate for US President Robert Kennedy Jr. said on Monday that he wants to have peace with Russia and China and focus on competing on the economic platform.
"Let's have peace with Russia. Let's have peace with China. And let's all enjoy the prosperity of healthy economic competition," Kennedy said.
The Chinese do not want to have war with the US, they just want to provide better living standards for their people, he added. Kennedy also believes that the Ukrainian crisis is a proxy war.
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The Democratic candidate for president spoke on Twitter Spaces, after being invited by Elon Musk.
Elon Musk has started hosting US presidential candidates on his Twitter spaces to promote free speech. A week ago, the entrepreneur hosted Republican presidential candidate Ron DeSantis, who announced his bid on Twitter and collected $8.2 million - a record amount of contributions for his campaign.