
Texas Congressman Accuses Biden of 'Crime of the Century'

Earlier, US House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer said on Monday that he would be granted access to additional FBI documents that contain allegations of potential criminal activity by President Joe Biden in his previous capacity as Obama's vice president.
Republican Congressman Ronny Jackson took to Twitter and accused US President Joe Biden of the "crime of the century" because of his possible ties with the management of the Ukrainian company Burisma.
The Texas Congressman went on to further excoriate Biden, branding him the "biggest criminal to ever occupy the Oval Office."
Earlier, US Senator Charles Grassley claimed that the executive director of the Ukrainian company Burisma, who allegedly bribed Biden and his son, kept 17 audio recordings of his conversations with them, including two directly with Biden, as an "insurance policy".
Biden’s Burisma Dealings Undercut US ‘Anti-Corruption’ Effort in Ukraine, Classified Email Reveals
Biden called the allegations of a bribery scheme “a bunch of malarkey,” when asked about the case.