
West's Concern for 'Democracy' in Niger Masks 'Lust' for Uranium

Regional bloc ECOWAS has threatened Niger with invasion to overthrow the new military leadership on behalf of Paris and Washington. But author and historian Dr Gerald Horne, professor of history at the University of Houston, Texas, said the US and NATO were too tied up in Ukraine to credibly threaten the West African country directly.
Western leaders' stated fears for democracy in Niger hide their true "lust" for the West African nation's resources, says a US historian.
On Thursday, West African regional bloc ECOWAS announced it was preparing a military invasion of Niger to reinstate ousted president Mohamed Bazoum.
The military intervention plan was floated by Alassane Ouattara, president of Cote d'Ivoire — who himself came to power in a coup d'etat led by French troops in 2010.
"The chiefs of staff will hold conferences to agree on this matter, but they have the consent of the heads of state to start the operation as soon as possible," Ouattara said. "They are keeping president Bazoum as a hostage. I personally consider this a terrorist act and we cannot let this continue, we have to act."
But the Nigerien military forged ahead with forming a new transitional government heedless of those threats.
Dr Gerald Horne told Sputnik mockingly that US acting assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland, architect of the 2014 Euromaidan coup in Ukraine, "would probably argue and complain that it does not comport with the Niger Constitution."
He noted reports that the US military itself trained five of the senior Nigerien officers involved in last month's military takeover, including Brigadier General Moussa Salaou Barmou.

"They thought he was 'their guy'. Apparently, that's not the case," Horne pointed out. "But that needs to be watched because certainly Washington and the North Atlantic countries have not given up with regard to controlling Niger. They will probably seek to circulate rumors about General Barmou suggesting that he is playing a double game and still is in the pocket of the Yankees."

"I noticed with interest the fact that a new insurgency is about to be launched, in fact launched publicly of all things in Niger, which is quite curious. I would not be surprised if the US CIA was somehow complicit in that," he added.
The historian said that US and European hand-wringing over democracy in Niger masked Western leaders' true motives.
"They still lust after Niger's uranium. They still desire the possibility of a pipeline being built from Nigeria through Niger to Algeria and to southern Europe," Horne stressed. "This is a response to their need for natural gas pumped through that pipeline because of their escapade in Ukraine, which has led to a boycott of Russian natural gas."
Another Western concern was the use of Nigerien airspace, now closed flights from Europe to Nigeria, the economic giant of West Africa. "This is causing airlines to pay more for fuel, passengers to pay more for tickets," he added.
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But the academic said the US would have difficulty putting pressure on Niger's new government because its "plate is full" with other overseas adventures.
"Washington would be well advised to try to extricate itself from the morass it finds itself in Ukraine. Washington, as we know, is ratcheting up tensions with the People's Republic of China," Horne said. "Washington has a full plate, and why it wants to add to its problems by creating another brushfire in Niger is beyond me."
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