
Finland Says Received $264Mln From EU to Build Bloc's Largest Nuclear Emergency Reserve

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Finland has received 242 million euros ($264 million) from the European Commission to build a massive stockpile of materials that will become the European Union's largest common strategic reserve in the event of chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) threats, the Finnish Ministry of the Interior said on Wednesday.
"Finland received substantial funding of EUR 242 million from the EU Commission for the establishment of a CBRN strategic reserve. Material will be stockpiled in the reserve in case of emergencies involving chemical, biological, radiological or nuclear (CBRN) threats, accidents and situations, especially in Northern and Eastern Europe," project manager Tarja Rantala was quoted by the ministry as saying.
The construction plans take into account experiences of pandemics, including COVID-19, the statement read.
The CBRN strategic reserve will be part of the EU Civil Protection Mechanism, managed by the EU Emergency Response Coordination Center (ERCC) in Brussels, the ministry added.
"Once a request for assistance has been approved by the ERCC, Finland will activate measures leading to the collection of material from the stockpiles and making it ready for transport within 12 hours," the statement read.
The ministry also said that creation of such a large-scale strategic reserve is a pilot project for all of the EU.
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By the end of the year, the project aims to develop preliminary guidelines on management, distribution and deployment of the EU's strategic reserves after the pilot period is over in late 2026, the statement read.
In April 2022, the EU announced building up strategic reserves of response capacities to improve the union's preparedness for public health risks, including falling under the category of CBRN threats.