
Russia Seeks to Build Constructive Relations With Foreign Partners - Putin

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russia seeks to build constructive relations with foreign partners that are interested in this, and is open to a broad dialogue on all pressing issues, President Vladimir Putin said in a message to the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF) participants, published on Monday by the Kremlin.
"The main topic of this forum — 'Towards Cooperation, Peace and Prosperity,' — reflects Russia's desire to build constructive relations with all interested foreign partners. Our country is completely open to a broad dialogue on pressing issues of the regional agenda, and intends to continue to actively participate in efforts to build a system of interstate relations in the Asia-Pacific region based on equality, mutual benefit and respect for each other's legitimate interests," Putin said.
The president also told the EEF participants that it is important to determine ways to form new supply chains and ensure food safety.
Eastern Economic Forum 2022
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The EEF will be held on September 10-13 in Vladivostok.