"Biden has a personal stake in this," CIA veteran Ray McGovern told Sputnik. "What do I mean? If Biden loses in Ukraine, which is bound to happen in the next couple of months, it will be evident to everyone. It will be impossible to cover it up. If he loses in Ukraine, he'll be afraid to lose the election and his fears will be well-founded. And if this is the election, what do you think he also fears? He also fears that he'll end up in prison."
"Famously, Blinken played a key role in making sure that Biden won the election in 2020. What did he do? Well, most people don't remember this, but when Hunter Biden's laptop was found and, by the way, given to the FBI, this was a big kerfuffle. This was a big deal. So what were they going to do before the election? It showed not only Hunter involved in scurrilous activity, but taking bribes and mentioning his dad and influence peddling. And there was some of that dad involvement. So what were the Democrats going to do? Blinken: 'I got an idea. We'll make this work. I'll call my friend Mikey Morrell.' He used to head the CIA. 'Hey, Mike, can you gather maybe 50 or so former CIA directors and other high muckety bucks? How high intelligence and policy officials? All you need to say is that the Hunter's laptop bears all the earmarks of a Russian intelligence disinformation operation.'"
"Was this illegal what Blinken did with his intelligence comrades? Yes, it's got to be illegal. Does he fear being held accountable for that? Does he fear lacking this sense of impunity if Biden loses? Yes, he does. And I won't go on about this, just to say that Jacob Sullivan is the author, the intellectual author of ‘Russiagate’, Russia ‘hacking into the DNC’, which never happened, and it's proven to never have happened in court testimony. He, too, has a personal stake in making sure 'don't lose anywhere, especially in Ukraine, don't lose the election'."