
Biden’s Reluctance to Admit His Age Worries His Wife and Team - Reports

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) – US President Joe Biden’s reluctance to admit his old age disturbs his wife, Jill Biden, and team, American media said on Tuesday, citing sources familiar with the matter.
While senior aides and the First Lady are trying to urge Biden, 81, to rest more and pay additional attention for his health, he usually wants to expand the working schedule and to do more, and sometimes his desires exceed his possibilities, the report said.

"He is his own worst enemy when it comes to his schedule," a former Biden aide said, quoted by the report. However, Biden tries to reassure his team that he is more energetic than younger people. He also often tells his aides and friends that he does not feel his age, the report added.

However, the report said that Biden’s unwillingness to acknowledge his limits and his aspiration to do more than he can often create problems when he begins looking tired during public events. Current and former aides pointed out that the President wants to do more travels and events than they think he should, it added.
The First Lady and her team are deeply involved in the president’s everyday schedule. Jill Biden also keeps an eye on his diet. Meanwhile, polls indicate that 70% of Americans express concerns over Biden’s ability to serve the second presidential term because of his age.
Biden Frustrated Over Approval Ratings, Election Polling – Reports
Biden, who became president in 2020 at the age of 77, is the oldest elected US President at the moment.