
Maine Disqualifies Trump From Republican Primary Ballot Over January 6 Riot

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows disqualified former President Donald Trump from the state's Republican primary ballot because of his role in the January 6 riot at the Capitol in 2021.
"They [challengers] have provided sufficient evidence to demonstrate the falsity of Mr. Trump's declaration that he meets the qualifications of the office of the presidency," Bellows wrote in a document on Thursday. "Therefore, as required by [law], I find that the primary petition of Mr. Trump is invalid."
However, Bellows added that the effect of the decision will be suspended until the Superior Court rules on any forthcoming appeal from the Trump defense team. Maine will hold its vote for the Republican primary in March.
The appeal will be filed immediately, a Trump campaign spokesman said in a press release.

"We will quickly file a legal objection in state court to prevent this atrocious decision in Maine from taking effect, and President Trump will never stop fighting to Make America Great Again," the spokesman said on Thursday.

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