
Russia Condemns Shelling of Donetsk, Dubs It ‘Barbaric Terrorist Act’

At least 25 civilians were killed and more than 20 wounded in the Ukrainian shelling of a market in Donetsk on Sunday.
The Russian Foreign Ministry published a statement on Ukraine's shelling of Donetsk, calling it “a barbaric terrorist act against the civilian population of Russia."
Russia urges international organizations and national governments to condemn Ukrainian attacks on Donetsk and stresses that any “silence will mean unspoken approval of the massacre of civilians.”
The Foreign Ministry added: “Kiev's terrorist attacks clearly demonstrate its lack of political will to reach a peace settlement through diplomatic means.”
However, the collective West is no less responsible for this terrorist attack since it has the “desire to inflict a strategic defeat on the Russian Federation using Ukrainian puppets," a desire that has pushed Kiev to take even more “reckless steps”, including “terrorist acts, mass violation of international humanitarian law and war crimes.”
At Least 25 Civilians Killed in Ukrainian Shelling of Donetsk
The ministry specified that shelling was conducted with the use of Western weaponry, which “once again confirms its direct involvement in the conflict and makes it a partner in the crimes of the Zelensky regime's atrocities."
The Foreign Ministry concluded that in the light of Donetsk shelling, the necessity to fulfill the goals and aims of the special military operation become even more evident since “Ukrainian territory must not be a source of security threats” and a platform for “terrorist acts.”
On Sunday, Ukrainian troops shelled the Kirovsky district of Donetsk, a busy area with markets and shops, especially on weekends. According to the latest official information, the attack has claimed the lives of at least 25 civilians.
Ukraine regularly shells the Donetsk region, targeting civilian areas. According to the Joint Center for Control and Coordination (JCCC) of issues related to Ukraine's war crimes, Kiev has killed at least 9,152 civilians, including 233 children, in the Donetsk People’s Republic since May 2014.