
Central Idiot Agency

On Tuesday, the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) released a video on X (formerly Twitter) intended to encourage Russians to become double agents for the US government.
Unfortunately, the USA’s multi-billion dollar intelligence agency was apparently unaware that X is not available inside Russia, greatly limiting the reach of their highly produced propaganda video.
The video, widely mocked online and by Russian officials, called for Russians to “fight the enemy within” and to contact the CIA. The video depicts Russia as a dark place where people have to resort to bribery to find work. Russia's soldiers eat “rotten potatoes” and use “prehistoric weapons" the video claims.
But, if the CIA had enough intelligence to look at the reality, they would know that Russia has become Europe’s largest economy by purchasing power despite the West’s sanctions and its “prehistoric” weapons are dominating their NATO equivalents on the battlefield.
Russia Now Europe's Number One Economy, Fifth Worldwide, Putin Reveals
Not that anything the video shows matters, considering most Russians were unable to view it. Perhaps, they should listen to Kremlin press secretary Dmitry Peskov, who advised that “Someone needs to inform the CIA that Vkontakte is much more popular in our country than the banned X.”