
Watch Russians Tell Sputnik What They Think About Tucker Carlson

Famous conservative American journalist and TV host Tucker Carlson recently attracted quite a bit of attention on both sides of the Atlantic after being spotted this weekend in Moscow, with speculations abound that he may have come to Russia to interview President Vladimir Putin.
Sputnik took to the streets of Moscow to ask locals what they think about Carlson.
Based on what these people say, Russians generally regard him as a good journalist who is focused on the pursuit of the truth rather than on promoting some propagandist narrative.
“He is known for telling the truth, which is why he often faces criticism in the United States,” one man remarked.
“I was struck by how frankly he talks about the real problems in the United States. He provides a very good presentation of information with a good sense of humor,” another one said. “I've heard that he's come to Russia. Well, welcome.”
Take a look at this video and see what other Russians quizzed by Sputnik have to say about Tucker Carlson.
Tucker Carlson’s Popularity on the Increase in Russia: Here’s Why