
Russian Scientists in Crimea Create Superpower 'Nanopowder'

Scientists from Sevastopol have invented a unique nanopowder that can be used in aircraft construction, radiation protection, production of new materials and equipment, Vladimir Gavrish, Director of the Center for Collective Use of Advanced Technologies and Materials at Sevastopol State University, told Sputnik.
Director Gavrish explained that nanopowder is created from waste, which makes its production profitable, and its uniqueness lies in the non-spherical shape of the particles, which enables better results in the manufacture of certain modifications of materials.

"It can be used in many places, now we have the best results in composite materials, radio protective materials, in certain construction mixtures, concrete, cement, ceramics and so on. And further use is primarily additive technologies, possibly the creation of new devices, taking into account photocatalytic effects, and the creation of new alloys," the scientist said.

Nanopowders play a crucial role in aircraft construction by enabling the development of new, lightweight alloys that are both stronger and lighter. This technological advancement results in reduced aircraft weight and increased payload capacity. Additionally, in the field of radiation protection, nanopowders are instrumental in the creation of advanced materials that exhibit superior effectiveness in absorbing ionizing radiation.

"It is no secret that passengers on board standard airliners are exposed to higher levels of radiation during travel. By utilizing alternative materials, we can create lighter structures that enhance radiation protection for passengers." he said.

In equipment manufacturing, nanopowders can be utilized to develop advanced composite materials that offer increased strength, reduced weight, and enhanced resistance to various environmental factors. This innovation opens up opportunities for creating novel materials suitable for applications in construction, transportation, medicine, and other industrial sectors.

"First off, wind turbines face the potential for micro-erosion caused by every single droplet. This affects all companies manufacturing wind turbine blades, as they must address this problem in some form. We're prepared to present our approach to enhance energy absorption, boost crack resistance, and minimize erosion in wind turbines. Ultimately, this will prolong the lifespan of the blades and extend their overall life cycle.," Gavrish added.

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The Sevastopol scientists are confident that the new nanopowder will have a significant impact on various industries due to its unique properties and capabilities.