
New Mobilization Law in Ukraine May Go Into Effect in Second Half of May - Lawmaker

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The law tightening mobilization in Ukraine may go into effect in the second half of May, Yevheniya Kravchuk, a member of the Ukrainian parliament, said on Friday.
On Thursday, the country’s parliament adopted a bill on mobilization aimed at replenishing Ukrainian forces depleted by two years of military conflict with Russia.
"I suppose the law will come into force in the second half of May. President [Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky] will sign it, then it will be released, plus a month [will pass until it goes into effect]," Kravchuk said.
Signing of Mobilization Law Indicates Zelensky is Desperate
The new draft, among other measures, gives those liable for military service 60 days to appear at military registration and enlistment offices to clarify their registration data. Until now, draft offices had to rely on sometimes incomplete and outdated data. The summons now can be sent through the conscript's electronic account. Those who are evading conscription might have their driving license suspended,
Last week, Zelensky signed separate legislation into law to lower the minimum conscription age to 25 from 27.