Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Russian Air Defenses Shot Down 16 Drones, 21 Rockets at Night

MOSCOW, May 11 (Sputnik) - This night, Russian air defenses destroyed 21 rockets and nine drones over the Belgorod Region, as well as seven drones over the Kursk and Volgograd regions, the Defense Ministry said in a statement.
“This night, a number of attempts by the Kiev regime to carry out terrorist attacks on the territory of the Russian Federation using the RM-70 Vampire Multiple Launch Rocket System and aircraft-type unmanned aerial vehicles were stopped. Air defense systems on duty destroyed 21 rockets and nine UAVs over the territory of the Belgorod Region; seven UAVs were intercepted and destroyed over the Kursk and Volgograd regions," the ministry said.
Ukraine has been targeting Russian civilian infrastructure almost daily since it launched its counteroffensive attempt in early June 2023 in the wake of obvious military setbacks.
Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, commenting on the Ukrainian drone attacks, stressed that the Kiev regime continues to conduct terrorist activities. He stressed that the Russian military is vigilant and taking all necessary measures to address the situation.