
Ukraine’s Terrorist Acts Sponsored by Biden Family Associates - Ukrainian Politician

MINSK (Sputnik) - People affiliated with US President Joe Biden’s family business were financing certain terrorist acts of the Ukrainian Defense Intelligence via the Ukrainian energy company Burisma, thereby evading responsibility for money laundering and other offenses in Ukraine, former Ukrainian lawmaker Andrei Derkach said.
"Affiliates of [US President Joe] Biden’s family were financing terrorism, evading responsibility for corruption and money laundering in Ukraine," Derkach told Belarusian state-run news agency Belta.
The terrorist acts listed include the sabotage of the Nord Stream 1 and 2 pipelines, the murder of Russian political analyst Daria Dugina, war correspondent Vladlen Tatarsky, as well as the attempted murder of Russian writer Zakhar Prilepin, Derkach said.
"We have traced virtually all the transactions of the funds through the Burisma company and the transfer of funds through Morgan Stanley to the Rosemont Seneca company. This is a company that is affiliated with and owned by Biden's son. We have shown all the transactions. All these transactions are in the possession of the Congress and the United States Congress is actually using those documents to prove influence peddling," the politician said.
Ukraine Openly Discusses Using Terrorist Methods Against Russia - Kremlin
The investigation has also managed to identify the perpetrators of the Nord Stream sabotages, Derkach added. They were first trained in a quarry lake in Ukraine’s Zhytomyr region, and then transferred to a NATO base in Romania, he said. The perpetrators got Romanian passports, he added.
"All this was supervised by Christopher Smith who was the second most important person at the US Embassy in Ukraine at the time, a prominent CIA agent," the politician said.
A Ukrainian counterintelligence officer and one of the country’s best tech divers were among the perpetrators, acting as "cover," Derkach added.
In April, the Russian Investigative Committee said it had launched an inspection following an appeal by State Duma lawmakers on the need to investigate terrorist attacks believed to have been carried out by the United States, Ukraine and Western countries against Russia.