
France's Counterterrorism Operations in Africa Failed, Led to Conflict - Nebenzia

UNITED NATIONS (Sputnik) - Western countries' counterterrorism operations in Africa, such as those conducted by France, have failed and led to armed conflicts, Russian Ambassador to the UN Vassily Nebenzia said on Tuesday.
"The poor attempts of the Western states, in particular France, at counterterrorism in Africa have actually in fact led to armed conflict," Nebenzia told a UN Security Council meeting on civilian casualties in armed conflict.
In March, Senegalese media reported, citing an unnamed source, that France will almost halve its military contingent in Senegal by the end of June. France's military presence in Senegal will be reduced to about 260 soldiers from some 500 troops, with mostly instructors remaining in the country to continue training, the report said.
Macron is Afraid to Go Down in History as the Leader Who 'Lost Africa'
In February 2023, French President Emmanuel Macron laid out a "new era" for the country's reduced presence in Africa as part of a "partnership-based approach."