
Russia Disappointed With Results of UNSC Vote on Draft Against Arms Race in Space

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Moscow is disappointed with the results of the recent vote in the UN Security Council on a draft resolution to prevent an arms race in space, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said on Tuesday.
On Monday, the UN Security Council failed to adopt a Russia-drafted resolution on preventing an arms race in space. The resolution was rejected in a 7-7 vote with one member country abstaining. The United States and the United Kingdom were among those who voted against.
"The voting results on the draft resolution on preventing an arms race in outer space and space security co-sponsored by China and submitted by Russia to the UN Security Council are disappointing. The United States and its allies, despite all the steps we have taken to take into account their proposals (including the developments of the corresponding US-Japanese draft resolution), opposed our constructive, comprehensive initiative," Zakharova said in a statement.
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Another opportunity to ensure the prevention of an arms race in outer space has been missed due to the fault of the United States and its allies, the diplomat added.