Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine

Ukrainian Forces Disguise Bombs as Coffee and Sugar Packages - Russian Serviceman

Ukraine extended martial law and mobilization in May without setting a clear deadline for demobilization. The move prompted outcry from some Ukrainian lawmakers and the public.
Ukrainian forces have begun to experience an acute shortage of troops in the Ugledar area, a Russian Armed Forces company commander with the callsign "Pirat" told Sputnik.
Ukrainian troops use various tricks to recoup their losses, so they scatter camouflaged bombs from drones, Pirat said.

"The enemy is trying to compensate for the lack of manpower with drones. It builds up resources in the area. And, by the way, they have gained such FPVs that can carry a kilogram of explosives," he explained.

In addition, Ukrainian forces have begun disguising their homemade bombs as coffee, sugar, and chocolate packets. They drop them from drones on Russian positions, Pirat notes.
"They do it for a reason. We have 'runners.' People who run up to forward positions with food for the fighters. They used to just throw the whole contents of a backpack on the ground. Then fighters started finding hidden explosives in that pile. So now we just hand everything over in packed bags," the commander said.
Russia's Special Operation in Ukraine
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