
West's Talks About Using US Weapons to Strike Russia Reflect Desperation - Lavrov

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Talks in the West about allowing Kiev to conduct strikes with US weapons on Russia reflects desperation and understanding that they will not achieve their goals by the "usual honest means," Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Sunday.
Russia has shown the West that it will not tolerate attempts to use Ukraine as a threat to Russia's security and as a tool to destroy everything Russian in the historic Russian lands, Lavrov said. After that, Western countries began to make decisions, including on supplying Kiev with weapons, Lavrov added.
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"As I understand it, these conversations reflect in a sense a desperation and a realization that by the usual honest means that apply in international law even in times of hostilities, they will not achieve their goal. It feels like agony," Lavrov told Russian media.