
Center-Right SDS Party Wins in European Parliamentary Elections in Slovenia

BELGRADE (Sputnik) - The opposition Slovenian Democratic Party (SDS) of former Prime Minister Janez Jansa has beaten Prime Minister Robert Golob's ruling Freedom Movement in the European Parliament (EP) elections, data by the country's authorities showed.
The EU elections were held from June 6-9 to elect the new European Parliament that would later hold a vote to approve the candidacy of the president of the European Commission and other commissioners.
Up to 1.7 million citizens of Slovenia were eligible to vote, and 11 parties participated in the elections. After the previews European elections, Jansa's party and its coalition partners had the majority of Slovenian mandates. Slovenia had 8 MEPs out of 705 in the ninth term of the European Parliament (2019-2024), and it will have 9 mandates of 720 in the tenth term (2024-2029).
At the same time with the EP elections, Slovenians voted in four referendums: on the establishment of a legal framework for euthanasia, technical changes in parliamentary elections, and the cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes and personal use. In all cases, citizens were solidly in favor.
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