
'Russian Seasons' International Cultural Project Launched in Brazil

The opening ceremony of Russian Seasons took place on Monday, June 17, at the Municipal Theater of Rio de Janeiro. Russian Culture Minister Olga Lyubimova presented the project to the Brazilian public.
Within the framework of Russian Seasons, organized by Russia's Ministry of Culture, there will be a series of opera and ballet performances, symphony concerts, as well as theatrical and dance performances by folklore ensembles. The main goal of the cultural program is to promote cultural exchange between the countries.
This year's program includes not only dance productions, but also theatrical performances. There will also be concerts by Russian opera stars, top jazz musicians and folk groups, exhibitions, lectures, master classes, etc.
Proceeds from the opening concert will be donated to the victims of the floods in the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul.
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Russian Culture is Impossible to Cancel

In an exclusive interview with Sputnik, Russian Culture Minister Olga Lyubimova, responding to a question about attempts to eliminate Russian culture, noted the importance of preserving cultural ties between Russia and other countries.
According to her, certain negative manifestations of Russian culture, which used to take place in social media on the part of some political and public figures in unfriendly countries, are coming to an end.

"We all witnessed how the loud cries of a number of political public and political figures of unfriendly countries were picked up by social networks and made an incredible, offensive and painful concept of abolition of culture, Russian culture, how everyone again, it seemed so, at the level of social networks, said that they do not need Tchaikovsky," the minister explained.

At the same time, she noted, music by Russian composers continues to be performed in the world's most prestigious music halls, and the names of Pushkin, Tchaikovsky, and Prokofiev still appear on posters. No less important, in her opinion, have been the performances of Russian opera and ballet dancers, without whom, according to the minister, European cultural life would be incomplete.