
US Aircraft Carrier Theodore Roosevelt to Replace D. Eisenhower in Red Sea

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group will replace next week the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower nuclear aircraft carrier in the Red Sea after the latter has been withdrawn from the region, the US Defense Department said.
"The Dwight D. Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group (IKE CSG) departed the US Central Command area of responsibility today … Following completion of a scheduled exercise in the Indo-Pacific, the USS Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TR CSG) will arrive in the US Central Command's area of responsibility to continue promoting regional stability, deter aggression, and protect the free flow of commerce in the region," the department said in a statement on Saturday, adding that the USS Theodore Roosevelt nuclear aircraft carrier will leave the Indo-Pacific region next week.
The USS Dwight D. Eisenhower aircraft carrier will be temporarily deployed to the United States European Command’s area of ​​responsibility before returning home, the statement added.
US Eisenhower Carrier Strike Group Practices Live Fire Exercises in Mediterranean, Navy Says
Yemen's rebel Ansar Allah movement, also known as the Houthis, has been launching attacks on commercial and military vessels in the region for months, in response to Israeli military operations in the Gaza Strip. The attacks prompted the United States to form a multinational coalition, including the United Kingdom, to protect shipping in the area, as well as to strike Houthi targets on the ground.