
US Sending to Ukraine 'Older' Patriot Battery, Valued at $100Mln - Pentagon

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - The United States is providing Ukraine an older Patriot battery valued at $100 million in its latest security assistance package, a Defense Department spokesperson told Sputnik on Thursday.
Earlier in the day, the United States announced it is providing Ukraine with a new $225 million aid package that includes one Patriot battery. The price tag on a new Patriot battery system is about $1 billion.
"We are drawing down older equipment that does not have the same value as a new procurement," the spokesperson said. "$100M [million] is the depreciated/PDA value of the Patriot battery that was transferred."
The new aid package was authorized through the Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA), which allows the Defense Department to donate to Ukraine from US military stockpiles.
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The package also provides Ukraine with NASAMS munitions, Stinger missiles, HIMARS ammunition, artillery rounds, TOW equipment, and missiles, Javelin and AT-4 systems, small arms ammunition, demolitions munitions, various spare parts and maintenance items, according to the Pentagon.