
BRICS Countries Support Creation of Joint Geological Platform

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - BRICS countries have supported the idea of establishing a joint geological platform presented by the head of the Russian Federal Agency for Mineral Resources (Rosnedra) Yevgeny Petrov, the federal agency said on Tuesday.
"At the round table Yevgeny Petrov presented the platform and described all the specifics of working with it... Heads of the geological agencies of BRICS countries noted the importance of the platform for cooperation between countries and supported its creation," Rosnedra said in a statement following a three-day round table of BRICS heads of geological services.
The platform will provide for knowledge sharing, technological development, exchange of practical experience and holding joint events, the statement read, adding that the concept implies the creation of the coordination council, joint projects commission, council on technology transfer as well as the working group on the most important minerals and other experts and task groups.
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The platform's meetings will contribute to the development of new ideas and projects for inter-ministerial meetings. Cooperation prospects include interactions in geological exploration, regional geological research and strategic mineral resources, scientific and technical developments in the digitization of geology, the agency added.
The BRICS Roundtable on Geology is being held in Moscow from July 15-17. The first meeting of the heads of geological services took place on the sideline of the event.