
Moldova Becomes Logistics Hub for Western Warplanes - Ex-Prime Minister

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Moldova has become a logistics hub for Western military aircraft, Ion Chicu, the leader of the PDCM party and former prime minister, said, expressing concern over a possible transfer of lethal cargo through the eastern European country.
"Today, Moldova has become a logistics hub for transportation by military aircraft. There are photos of landed transport and military aircraft. As a citizen, as a parent, I am concerned by everything that is happening," Chicu told the Rlive broadcaster.
The ex-prime minister said the country should avoid being dragged in a military conflict. Moldovans should send a clear signal to the government that turning their country into "a battlefield between the West and the East" is unacceptable, he added.
Moldova plans to increase its defense spending to 1% of the country's GDP by 2030, according to the National Security Strategy for 2024-2034, approved by the pro-Wesern government earlier this week.
Ukraine Did Not Attack Transnistria Because It Is De Jure Part of Moldova - Ex-President
The Moldovan constitution contains a neutral clause. However, it has been cooperating with NATO since 1994 within the framework of an individual partnership plan. When Moldovan President Maia Sandu's Party of Action and Solidarity came to power, the country began holding frequent exercises with the participation of military personnel from the United States, the United Kingdom, Germany, and Romania.