
Only 1% of Likely Voters Think the Government Doesn't Lie - Poll

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - Nearly half of likely voters in the United States believe that the government lies most or all of the time, and very few think the government never lies, according to a Rasmussen Reports poll released Monday.
One-third (33%) of voters believe that government officials lie most of the time and 15% believe that government officials lie all the time, the poll report said.
Moreover, 40% of voters believe that government officials lie some of the time, while just 6% believe officials rarely lie and 1% believe they never lie, the poll report said.
A majority of Republican respondents, 56%, believe that government officials lie at least most of the time, compared to 45% of Democrats, the poll report said.
A majority of black respondents, 55%, believe government officials lie at least most of the time, as well as 54% of Hispanic voters and 51% of other minorities, the poll report said. Less than half of white respondents, 46%, believe that the government frequently lies, the poll report said.
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A plurality of respondents, 39%, do not trust any of the three branches of the federal government, the poll report said. Twenty-three percent (23%) of voters trust the executive branch the most, 18% trust the judiciary most and 12% trust Congress the most, the poll report said.
The poll surveyed 1,110 likely US voters on July 10-11 and 14. The poll has a margin of error of plus-or-minus three percentage points with a 95% confidence level.