
Opening Ceremony of 2024 Olympics Shows ‘Absence of Public Morality’ – Orban

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban described the opening ceremony of the 2024 Olympic Games in Paris as “the weakness and disintegration of the West”, La Depeche reported.
The politician believes that the event that sparked a fierce public backlash was the embodiment of the Western void.
They have gradually shed metaphysical ties, with God, country and family,” Orban said, adding that it has led to “the absence of public morality, as you could see if you watched the opening ceremony of the Olympics yesterday.”
Orban also pointed out that the collective West denies the existence of nation states, resulting in the absence of a common culture and a common morality based on it.
“Western values, long considered universal, are increasingly considered unacceptable and rejected by many countries in the world,” he concluded.
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