
Lebanon's Cabinet Says Will Meet Wednesday Morning to Discuss Israel's Strike on Beirut

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - The cabinet of ministers of Lebanon will convene a meeting on Wednesday morning to discuss the Israeli airstrike on the southern suburb of Lebanon's capital, Beirut, the office of Lebanese Caretaker Prime Minister Najib Mikati said on Tuesday.
Earlier on Tuesday, the Israel Defense Forces announced that it carried out a strike in the southern suburb of Lebanon's capital, Beirut, targeting a "commander responsible for the murder of the children in Majdal Shams and the killing of numerous additional Israeli civilians."

"The cabinet of minister will meet tomorrow morning, at 8:30 [05:30 GMT], Wednesday, 31.07.2024, at the Grand Serail [the government palace] to discuss the emergency," the office said on X.

The office said in a separate post that Mikati condemned the Israeli airstrike on the Haret Hreik municipality in the Dahieh suburbs south of Beirut and called on the international community to exert pressure on Israel.
"The criminal act committed this evening is a link in a series of aggressive operations that have affected civilians and a clear and unequivocal violation of international law and international humanitarian law. We call on the international community to act on its responsibilities and compel Israel to cease its aggression and threats and implement international resolutions," the office quoted Mikati as saying.
The caretaker prime minister added that Lebanon reserves the right to take all measures to deter Israeli aggression. He added that he convened the meeting of the Lebanese cabinet to discuss the issue.
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Meanwhile, Lebanese Caretaker Minister for Displaced Persons Issam Charafeddine told Sputnik that by shelling Beirut, Israel was attempting to shift the responsibility for further escalation in the region and its consequences on to the Hezbollah movement.
"Attacking the southern suburbs of Beirut, Israel is trying to discredit Hezbollah and make it responsible [for the escalation] by manipulating the opinion of the world community," Charafeddine said.
The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said earlier in the day that it had struck Beirut, targeting a "commander responsible for the killing of Israeli civilians."
Last Saturday, the IDF said that 12 people had been killed in a rocket strike on the Golan Heights, which it blamed on Hezbollah. The Lebanese movement denied the claim. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel would not leave the attack on the Golan Heights unanswered and Hezbollah would pay a price "it has never paid before."
The situation on the Israeli-Lebanese border worsened after the start of Israel's military operation in the Gaza Strip in October 2023. The Israeli army and Hezbollah fighters exchange fire almost daily in areas along the border.