
Nearly Half of Brits Say New Prime Minister Failing to Handle Riots - Poll

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Almost half of Brits think that the new prime minister, Keir Starmer, is failing to deal with the riots that broke out following a stabbing attack in the city of Southport last week, a YouGov poll out Tuesday found.
The survey conducted among 2,114 adults from August 5-6 found that 49% of respondents believed that Starmer was handling the situation badly, versus 31% who said he was dealing with the riots well.
Seven in 10 respondents said the majority of rioters would evade punishment, while only 22% said they were confident that at least most of them would be held accountable.
Far-right protesters rallied against the influx of migrants across the country after unconfirmed reports suggested the perpetrator in the deadly stabbing attack on a children's dance club in Southport was a refugee. The attacker was later identified as a Welsh-born boy of Rwandan descent.
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The attack occurred on July 29, resulting in the deaths of three children and injuries to several others. Police arrested the 17-year-old boy and charged him with three counts of murder and 10 counts of attempted murder. The attack is not being treated as an act of terrorism.