Inflation and problems in the economy have been mentioned in the media almost 37,000 times before August of this year. In previous election years, this topic also interested US media more than others: it was covered almost 25,000 times in 2016, and 19,500 in 2020.
The next most mentioned issues are abortion rights (more than 3,000 materials this year) and the situation with migrants and problems at the border (more than 2,900). In the previous election year of 2020, these topics were mentioned only a few hundred times.
The US media reported on the problem of external debt about 1,200 times this year, less often than in 2016 and 2012 (about 1,500 and 2,800, respectively). About 2,000 reports in the media this year covered the problems of climate change.
The problem of external debt was most actively covered in 2012 with about 2,800 mentions, and in 2020 the figure was almost four times less. The topic of abortion is more acute in media publications this year: for example, 642 publications about it were in 2020, 885 in 2061, and 40 in 2012. The reason is probably the decision of the US Supreme Court, which abandoned the approach that had been in effect since 1973 that the right to abortion is provided for by the Constitution.
The problem of undocumented immigrants was not covered in the media as actively when Trump's presidential term was ending: in 2020, it was written about 634 times, but in 2016, when Trump was running for office with Hillary Clinton and Obama's second term was ending, there were 1,637 articles covering this issue.
The analysis of media publications was conducted from January 1 to December 31 of election years (until August 2024). The calculation took into account data from the entire array of US media available in the database, including press releases, scientific media, and state media. Only relevant publications were counted, that is, those in which the search word (country, person or topic) was found at least three times.